Through interviews and product testing, we investigate consumer needs as they change with the times.
We constantly look for what's wanted NOW in fruit jellies.
Product Development > |

A basic theme at Tarami is delivering "deliciousness" along with "safety and security". For this reason, we've developed our own sanitation and quality control systems, in accordance with international standards.
Quality Assurance > |

Tarami's premium products are created by a combination of the newest machinery and work done gently, by hand. We strive to make delicious desserts with a human touch full of love.
Production > |
Taking the environment into consideration is one of Tarami's corporate missions. So we've built a nearly perfect system in which water used in the factory is purified in a wastewater treatment facility and returned to the rivers as clean water.
Ecology > |
To make deliveries speedier and more reliable, Trami has set up its own Distribution Center. We designed the center to allow constant advances in smooth, timely shipping and delivery.
A Distribution > |
The Tarami sales network is all over Japan. We have set up bases in each area, and then developed very detailed sales activities.
Sales > |